Tuesday, January 13, 2009


Work's been doing everything it can to kick my ass. I'm working hard to not let that happen.

My weight's been pissing me off, but as of today, I'm feeling more centered about it, so I'm not gonna rant about it anymore.

The fact that I still don't know what race I want to focus on for the Spring is aggravating me. For now, I'm just gonna keep running and swimming (and maybe eventually I'll get back on the bike, too) until something hits me to focus my training on...

I got up before 4:30 am today to get to the gym and get a run in before work since I knew I'd be getting home from work late. As I was getting home around 5 o'clock, the sunset was taking shape. I grabbed my camera, walked out onto my porch, and soaked it all in -- the vibrant colors of the sky, the crisp freshness of the air, and the silence of the area around me...

...and I exhaled.


Runnin-From-The-Law said...

Fabulous picture! I thought you cut and paste it from the internet. Very cool that it was in real life and starting your day!

How about Grandmas for your next goal race? All the cool kids are doin it! ;-)

KP said...

1) the getting up at 4:30 a.m. is really freakin' impressive to me, and I wish I had that kind of resolve.

2) freakin' incredible picture

3) forget the MN people and their obsession with Grandma's, Toledo is the place to be this spring :D

Charisa said...


Doctor Err said...

i dunno what i'm running this spring. i'm giving myself until march to figure it out and just starting training now anyway.

wicked sunrise.

Stephen said...

Great way to start the day with a run and a great sunrise. I don't even have a distance or date for my next race. I just would like to do another marathon this year and would like to make it a new PR closer to a BQ. Have to do more than 5-10 miles a week before that will happen. LOL

Aimee said...

Awesome pic of the sunSET. :) Love the ending of this entry.

solarpowered said...

Yeah, I should've added pm to the 5 o'clock time. That was the sunset at the end of a very long day. :)